Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Fat People are Stupid

     I feel like people often assume many, many things about people who are fat. Some commonly held stereotypes are that fat people are stupid, lazy, smelly, poor, or do nothing but eat all the time. There are lots of things wrong with all of those statements, but for my first post I wanted to focus on the notion that fat people are stupid.

     Don't fat people know that if they just stopped eating so much they wouldn't be fat? Fat people must be stupid because you would have to be to know you are making yourself fat and keep doing it right? Um, wrong. Making the issue that black and white negates all of the many factors that contribute to someone becoming, and possibly staying, overweight. If asked I could create a meal plan that any nutritionist would no doubt be thrilled with. I read magazines dedicated to health and can spew off facts about diabetes, cancer, heart disease, and superfoods. The disconnect comes when taking that meal plan and applying it to my life AND ensuring I wouldn't abandon it for the amazing General Tso's at the restaurant right next to work. So please stop believing fat people are stupid, it only makes YOU seem ignorant.

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